
. Brief synopsis of the person, event, conflict on which the film is based.
A. The film is based off of the apartheid in South Africa, and a reporters journey to expose the injustice.
B. Steve Biko is a main character who was an avid political activist against the apartheid, the movie focuses on his mistreatment from the government.
C.The reporter is a character by the name of Donald Woods, he goes through many trials in order to write his story and tell the story of apartheid and Biko's legacy.
2. Major themes/frames of the film.
A. The portrayal of Steve Biko as a flawless martyr, when in reality he was not the "Gandhi of South Africa".
B. The time spent on the story of Donald Woods opposed to the story of the people who experienced apartheid, was also a frame. Several people felt that the wrong story was being told.
C. Portrayal of Donald Woods, as a "white hero" in an black consciousness movement.
3. Major differences between historical record, coverage inThe New York Times (or other newspapers) & film translation.
A. New York Times covered the movie reviews very well and in-depth, providing some historical information.
B. Several stories that were written after the events were very accurate, but not timely.
C. BBC covered the story much more in depth during the events, especially after Biko's death.
4. Major similarities between historical record, coverage inThe New York Times (or other newspapers) & film translation.
A. The historical background of Biko was rather accurate.
B. The New York Times published in one article that he died from his hunger strike, as quoted from the South African Minister of Police.
C. The information on Donald Woods was pretty accurate although it was somewhat sensationalized.
5. What ideological perspectives are reinforced or challenged? WHITE PRIVILEGE
A. An example of white privilege is the creation of apartheid itself.
B. The court ruling on Biko's death as attributed to a hunger strike that never happened, when in reality they beat him to death.
C. The first court trial in the film was an example for white privilege, when the judge makes rude comments about Biko's race, and is trying to restrict the rights of the BPC.
6. What is privileged—Truth or Truthiness? Relate to media effects theories and media literacy concepts. How does the film construct a specific version of reality and what is the significance of the Hollywood version? In other words, whose stories are told? Whose stories are omitted? What is the significance of how the story is framed?
A. The character of Steve Biko is changed. His affair is not in the film, and his personality is portrayed as flawless.
B. The real-life everyday stories of the people who lived under apartheid are omitted.
C. The movie makes the viewer think differently about the characters and the history of what happened altogether.
7. Team member names and role each played. Be specific.
A. Preparation for the presentation
B. Roles, characters played during the presentation
8. List of References: Complete citation list for all sources.
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