Media Codes of Ethics

We decided to take a closer look at Donald Woods' journalistic actions and also analyze how codes of media ethics apply to the film. 

In the movie, Dr. Ramphele urges Donald Woods to seek out the truth about the issues by meeting with Biko instead of simply printing stories about him. She tells him he is a smart man, but uninformed.

"If you were the honest newsman you claim to be, you would see him."

Time 0:11:06-0:11:25

SPJ Code of Ethics

Seek Truth and Report it
        Donald Woods was publishing stories against apartheid and the government of South Africa in the paper The Daily Dispatch.  Woods was serving the people's best interest and what he believed was society's best interest by campaigning against the racial practices of the country at the time.  He was banned from his paper and forbidden to speak or write publicly because of it. 

             The making of Cry Freedom also sought to bring truth to people.  Director Richard Attenborough stated,
"I wanted to reach people who were indifferent, who didn't know what was going on and didn't care."

Give Voice to the Voiceless
        Reporting on the apartheid of South Africa was giving a voice to those being harmed by it, and asking for change.  Though doing this cost Donald Woods his journalistic rights in the country, he did not give up in making the voices of the South African people heard.

Act Independently
        The SPJ code of ethics tells journalists they should be "free of obligation to any interest other than the public's right to know." Wood's leaving the country proved his determination in getting to a place where he could continue to inform the public.  He moved to Lesotho to write books and travel speaking publicly about the issues.  According to an interview in The New York Times,  Woods said the government's attempt to silence his actions actually helped him reach even more people outside of South Africa furthering change and awareness.

Be vigilant and courageous about holding those with power accountable.
        Journalists are encouraged to bring to light unethical practices by government organizations and serve as watchdogs for their communities.  The risk to do this is high and many times face opposition for bringing the truth to the people in the best interest of society.